
April 4, 2012

Greetings {ContactName|Appeal Letter Subscriber},

Are Payer Requests For Supplemental Billing Detail Rising?

Many healthcare organizations, particularly specialty and subspecialty providers, have identified a recent spike in requests for supplemental billing detail such as itemized statements. If the requests for information appear to far reaching, you may want to respond in writing with a request for clarification. Appeal Solutions has developed a sample letter for responding to overly broad requests for billing detail . . .

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AppealLettersOnline.com Featured Letters

Several State-specific letters have been updated this month:

Nebraska Payment Inquiry
Nebraska Workers Comp Prompt Pay
New Jersey Workers Comp Prompt Pay
New Hampshire Workers Comp Prompt Pay
New York Medical Necessity Appeal
New Mexico Medical Necessity
New Mexico Workers Com Prompt Pay

Download Appeal Letters at AppealLettersOnline.com


Increase Revenue - Take Your Appeals To The Next Level

Are your appeal letters designed for maximum mileage? Medical organizations send detailed, persuasive appeal letters every day.  Despite these well-written efforts, many appeal letters result in "Denial Upheld." This is not the end of the road, but rather a case for Level II appeals.  Appeal Solutions provides onsite training specific to Level II appeals.  This 3-hour training session can per presented onsite or via webinar and is customized to address your Level II denial issues.  Topics include:

  • Easily customize your appeal letters for Level II appeals - ensure that none of your higher level appeals are rejected due to "no new information."

  • Use carrier appeal form letters most effectively - payer-specific appeal customizations can make a significant difference.

  • Address poor quality appeal review - you have the right to request a review by higher level personnel.

Don’t let a denied appeal become a write-off.  Take your appeals to the next level.  Contact Tammy Tipton at 888-399-4925 to schedule this presentation for your organization.

Visit AppealSolutions.com for more information

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